2024 год
- Shunaev, V.V., Chetverikov, A.P., Glukhova, O.E. Propagation of Supersonic Soliton in Carbon Nanotubes of Armchair Type // Technical Physics, 2024, 69(5), 1363–1368
- Sysoev V.V., Petrunin A.A., Plugin I.A., Varezhnikov A.S., Glukhova O.E. SnO2 Nanobelts as a Chemiresistive Platform for an On-Chip Multisensory “Spectrometer” to Selectively Gauge Ions of Inert Gases // ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2024. Vol. 7. Iss. 19. P. 22942–22952.
- Pronin I.A., Plugin I.A., Kolosov D.A., Karmanov A.A., Yakushova N.D., Varezhnikov A.S., Komolov A.S., Lazneva E.F., Koroleva A.V., Moshnikov V.A., Kondratev V.M., Glukhova O.E., Korotcenkov G., Sysoev V.V. Sol-gel derived ZnO film as a gas sensor: Influence of UV processing versus a thermal annealing // Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. 2024. Vol. 377. P. 115707.
- Bobenko N.G., Shunaev V.V., Korusenko P.M., Egorushkin V.E., Glukhova O.E. Broken crystal symmetry of MWCNTs as the key factor in improvement of carboxyl functionalization // Synthetic Metals. 2024. Vol. 307. P. 117677.
- Kuksin A.V., Gerasimenko A.Yu., Shaman Y.P., Kitsyuk E.P., Shamanaev A.A., Sysa A.V., Eganova E.M., Slepchenkov M.M., Poliakov M.V., Pavlov A.A., Glukhova O.E. Improving the emission properties of graphene–carbon nanotube hybrid nanostructures through functionalization with BaO nanoparticles and laser treatment // Applied Surface Science. 2024. Vol. 664. P. 160222.
- Petrunin A.A., Slepchenkov M.M., Zhan H., Glukhova O.E. Effect of temperature on the emission properties of quasi 2D glass-like carbon placed on silicon and silicon dioxide substrates // Computational Materials Science 2024. Vol. 233. P. 112750.
- Barkov P.V., Slepchenkov M.M., Glukhova O.E. Current flow patterns in graphene nanomesh films functionalized with carbonyl and carboxyl groups // Letters on Materials. 2024. Vol. 14(3). P. 210–215.
- Барков П.В., Слепченков М.М., Глухова О.Е. Влияние функциональных групп на электронно-энергетические характеристики тонких пленок дырчатого графена: результаты DFTB-моделирования // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Физика. 2024. Т. 24. № 2. С. 114-125.
- Слепченков М.М., Колосов Д.А., Глухова О.Е. Оптические и оптоэлектронные свойства оксидированного борофена и ван-дер-ваальсовых гетероструктур на его основе // Оптика и спектроскопия. 2024. Т. 132. № 3. С. 222-229.
- Глухова О.Е., Колосов Д.А., Шестеркин В.И., Крачковская Т.М., Журавлев С.Д., Богачев Р.Ю. Влияние адсорбции бария на работу выхода гафниевых сеток катодно-сеточного узла // Журнал технической физики. 2024. Т. 94. Вып. 10. С 1747-1755.
- Глухова О.Е., Колесниченко П.А. Управление электронным транспортом в квази-2D-слоистых ZnO-наночешуйках с позиции их эффективного применения в твердотельных сенсорах // Журнал технической физики. 2024. Т. 94. № 2. С. 315-321.
- Слепченков М.М., Колосов Д.А., Глухова О.Е. Управление электронными свойствами квази-2D ван-дер-ваальсовых гетероструктур борофен/GaN и борофен/ZnO с помощью деформаций // Журнал технической физики. 2024. Т. 94. № 3. С. 419-425.
- Барков П.В., Слепченков М.М., Глухова О.Е. Электрофизические свойства тонких пленок перфорированного графена, функционализированного карбонильными группами // Журнал технической физики. 2024. Т. 94. № 3. С. 426-432.
- Бобенко Н.Г., Шунаев В.В., Егорушкин В.Е., Глухова О.Е. Волновой диффузионный перенос белка HIF-1α на СООН-МУНТ и регулирование им кислорода в биоклетках // Журнал технической физики. 2024. Т. 94. № 3. С. 366-371.
- Шунаев В.В., Петрунин А.А., Ушаков А.В., Глухова О.Е. Квантовая емкость композита графен/li3v2(po4)3 в процессе делитирования // Журнал технической физики. 2024. Т. 94. № 3. С. 372-377.
2023 год
- M.A. Solomatin, M. Radovic, A.A. Petrunin, D.A. Kirilenko, A.S. Varezhnikov, G. Dubourg, M.Yu. Vasilkov, A.M. Bainyashev, A. Nesterovic, I. Kiselev, K.B. Kostin, Yu.P. Martynyuk, A.V. Gorokhovsky, S.S. Volchkov, D.A. Zimnyakov, N.M. Ushakov, V.G. Goffman, M.K. Rabchinskii, O.E. Glukhova, V.V. Sysoev Towards electronic smelling of ketones and alcohols at sub- and low ppms by pinky-sized on-chip sensor array with SnO2 mesoporous layer gradually engineered by near IR-laser // Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023. Vol. 474. P. 145934. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2023.145934.
- M.V. Davidovich, I.S. Nefedov, O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov, J.M. Rubi Field emission in vacuum resonant tunneling heterostructures with high current densities // Scientific Reports. 2023. Vol. 13. Iss. 1. P. 19365. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-44900-2
- M.M. Slepchenkov, A.Y. Gerasimenko, A.V. Kuksin, Y.P. Shaman, A.A. Shamanaev, A.V. Sysa, E.A. Lebedev, E.M. Eganova, A.V. Goryachev, A.A. Pavlov, O.E. Glukhova Electrophysical properties of laser-structured carbon nanomaterials functionalized with LaB6 nanoparticles // Diamond and Related Materials. 2023. Vol. 140. P. 110512. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2023.110512.
- A.A. Petrunin, M.K. Rabchinskii, V.V. Sysoev, O.E. Glukhova Adaptive Peptide Molecule as the Promising Highly-Efficient Gas-Sensor Material: In Silico Study. Sensors 2023, 23, 5780. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23135780
- A.A. Petrunin, O.E. Glukhova Quasi-2D SnO2 Thin Films for Gas Sensors: Chemoresistive Response and Temperature Effect on Adsorption of Analytes // Materials. 2023. Vol. 16. Iss. 1. P. 438. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16010438.
- А.В. Куксин, А.Ю. Герасименко, Ю.П. Шаман, А.А. Шаманаев, А.В. Сыса, О.Е. Глухова Влияние функционализации на электрофизические свойства лазерно-структурированных гибридных углеродных наноматериалов // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Физика. 2023. Т. 23. Вып. 4. С. 307-315. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2023-23-4-307-315.
- V.V. Shunaev, A.A. Petrunin, H. Zhan, O.E. Glukhova Two-Dimensional Films Based on Graphene/Li4Ti5O12 and Carbon Nanotube/Li4Ti5O12 Nanocomposites as a Prospective Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Insight from Ab Initio Modeling // Materials. 2023. Vol. 16. Iss. 8. P. 3270. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16083270
- О.Е. Глухова, М.М. Слепченков Влияние наночастиц карбида гафния на эмиссионные свойства квази-2D-графен/нанотрубной пленки: исследование из первых принципов // Физика твердого тела, 2023, том 65, вып. 8. DOI: 10.21883/FTT.2023.08.56163.121
- O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov Effect of LaB6 nanoparticles on the electronic and emission properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes/graphene hybrid 1D Nanomaterial // Letters on Materials 13 (4), 2023 pp. 312-316
- K.K. Zamansky, A.A. Osipova, F.S. Fedorov, D.S. Kopylova, V. Shunaev, A. Alekseeva, O.E. Glukhova, A.G. Nasibulin Sensitivity enhancement of SWCNT gas sensors by nitrogen plasma treatment // Applied Surface Science, Vol. 640, 2023, 158334. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.158334.
- M.M. Slepchenkov, P.V. Barkov, D.A. Kolosov, O.E. Glukhova Ab Initio Study of Optical Properties of Hybrid Films Based on Bilayer Graphene and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. C 2023, 9, 51. https://doi.org/10.3390/c9020051
- M.M. Slepchenkov, P.V. Barkov, O.E. Glukhova Electronic and Electrical Properties of Island-Type Hybrid Structures Based on Bi-Layer Graphene and Chiral Nanotubes: Predictive Analysis by Quantum Simulation Methods. Coatings 2023, 13, 966. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings13050966
- М.М. Слепченков, Д.А. Колосов, О.Е. Глухова Оптические свойства ван-дер-ваальсовых гетероструктур на основе 2D-монослоев борофена, нитрида галлия и оксида цинка // Оптика и спектроскопия, 2023, том 131, вып. 6. DOI: 10.21883/OS.2023.06.55909.115-23
- О.Е. Глухова, М.М. Слепченков Влияние наночастиц карбида гафния на эмиссионные свойства квази-2D-графен/нанотрубной пленки: исследование из первых принципов // Физика твердого тела. 2023. Т. 65. Вып. 8. C. 1408-1414. DOI: 10.21883/FTT.2023.08.56163.121.
- О.Е. Глухова, М.М. Слепченков, Е.П. Кицюк, Ю.П. Шаман, А.Ю. Герасименко Функционализация наночастицами bao графен-нанотрубных наноструктур для устройств с полевой электронной эмиссией // Нано- и микросистемная техника. 2023. Т. 25. №6. С. 266-274. DOI: 10.17587/nmst.25.266-274
- Maksim A. Solomatin, Marko Radovic, Alexander A. Petrunin, Demid A. Kirilenko, Alexey S. Varezhnikov, Georges Dubourg, Mikhail Yu. Vasilkov, Alexey M. Bainyashev, Andrea Nesterovic, Ilia Kiselev, Konstantin B. Kostin, Yuri P. Martynyuk, Alexander V. Gorokhovsky, Sergey S. Volchkov, Dmitry A. Zimnyakov, Nikolay M. Ushakov, Vladimir G. Goffman, Maxim K. Rabchinskii, Olga E. Glukhova, Victor V. Sysoev. Towards electronic smelling of ketones and alcohols at sub-and low ppms by pinky-sized on-chip sensor array with SnO2 mesoporous layer gradually engineered by near IR-laser //Chemical Engineering Journal. – 2023. – С. 145934.
- М.В. Давидович, О.Е. Глухова Корреляционные соотношения для графена и его тепловое излучение // Изв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер.: Физика. 2023. Т. 23, вып. 2. https://doi.org/10.18500/1817-3020-2023-23-2-167-178
- Michael M. Slepchenkov; Pavel V. Barkov; Olga E. Glukhova. Island-Type Graphene-Nanotube Hybrid Structures for Flexible and Stretchable Electronics: In Silico Study. Micromachines 2023, 14, 671. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi14030671
- Michael M. Slepchenkov; Pavel V. Barkov; Olga E. Glukhova. Quantum Study of the Optical Conductivity of Composite Films Formed by Bilayer Graphene and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Axial Stretching. Quantum Reports 2023, 5, 253-266. https://doi.org/10.3390/quantum5010017
- Dmitry A. Kolosov; Olga E. Glukhova. High-Capacity Ion Batteries Based on Ti2C MXene and Borophene First Principles Calculations. Inorganics 2023, 11, 95. https://doi.org/10.3390/inorganics11030095
- Шунаев В.В., Четвериков А.П., Глуховa О.Е. Распространение сверхзвукового солитона в углеродных нанотрубках типа кресло // Журнал технической физики, 2023, том 93, вып. 4. DOI: 10.21883/JTF.2023.04.55032.286-22.
- Слепченков М.М., Барков П.В., Глухова О.Е. Влияние деформаций растяжения и сжатия на электропроводные свойства графен-нанотрубных композитов с топологией островкового типа // Журнал технической физики, 2023, том 93, вып. 4, с. 481-487. DOI: 10.21883/JTF.2023.04.55035.5-23.
- Simonenko N.P., Glukhova O.E., Plugin I.A., Kolosov D.A., Nagornov I.A., Simonenko T.L., Varezhnikov A.S., Simonenko E.P., Sysoev V.V., Kuznetsov N.T. The Ti0.2V1.8C MXene Ink-Prepared Chemiresistor: From Theory to Tests with Humidity versus VOCs. Chemosensors 2023, 11, 7. https://doi.org/10.3390/chemosensors11010007
- Petrunin A.A., Glukhova O.E. Quasi-2D SnO2 Thin Films for Gas Sensors: Chemoresistive Response and Temperature Effect on Adsorption of Analytes. Materials 2023, 16, 438. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16010438
- Shunaev V.V., Bobenko N.G., Korusenko P.M., Egorushkin V.E., Glukhova O.E. Carboxyl Functionalization of N-MWCNTs with Stone–Wales Defects and Possibility of HIF-1α Wave-Diffusive Delivery. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 1296. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24021296
2022 год
- Gerasimenko A.Y., Kuksin A.V., Shaman Y.P., Kitsyuk E.P., Fedorova Y.O., Murashko D.T., Shamanaev A.A., Eganova E.M., Sysa A.V., Savelyev M.S., Telyshev D.V., Pavlov A.A., Glukhova O.E. Hybrid Carbon Nanotubes–Graphene Nanostructures: Modeling, Formation, Characterization. Nanomaterials. 2022; 12(16):2812. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano12162812
- Ilatovskii D.A., Gilshtein E.P., Glukhova O.E., Nasibulin A.G. Transparent Conducting Films Based on Carbon Nanotubes: Rational Design toward the Theoretical Limit // Advanced Science, 2022, Vol. 9, Iss. 24, 2201673. https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202201673
- Kolosov D.A., Levitsky S.G., Glukhova O.E. Adhesion and Electron Properties of Quasi-2D Mo2C, Ti2C, and V2C MXene Flakes after Van Der Waals Adsorption of Alcohol Molecules: Influence of Humidity. Lubricants. 2022; 10(7):159. https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants10070159
- Shunaev V.V., Glukhova O.E. Interaction of Co3O4 Nanocube with Graphene and Reduced Graphene Oxide: Adhesion and Quantum Capacitance. Lubricants. 2022; 10(5):79. https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants10050079.
- Petrunin A.A., Slepchenkov M.M., Glukhova O.E. Effect of Functionalization with Potassium Atoms on the Electronic Properties of a 3D Glass-like Nanomaterial Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes: In Silico Study. Journal of Composites Science. 2022; 6(7):186. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcs6070186.
- Slepchenkov M.M., Kolosov D.A., Glukhova O.E. Novel Van Der Waals Heterostructures Based on Borophene, Graphene-like GaN and ZnO for Nanoelectronics: A First Principles Study. Materials. 2022; 15(12):4084. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15124084.
- Gerasimenko A.Y., Kitsyuk E., Kurilova U.E., Suetina I.A., Russu L., Mezentseva M.V., Markov A., Narovlyansky A.N., Kravchenko S., Selishchev S.V., Glukhova O.E. Interfaces Based on Laser-Structured Arrays of Carbon Nanotubes with Albumin for Electrical Stimulation of Heart Cell Growth. Polymers. 2022; 14(9):1866. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14091866.
- M.M. Slepchenkov, D.A. Kolosov, O.E. Glukhova First-Principles Study of Electronic and Optical Properties of Tri-Layered van der Waals Heterostructures Based on Blue Phosphorus and Zinc Oxide // J. Compos. Sci. 2022. Vol. 6. P. 163. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcs6060163.
- Glukhova O. Flexible Membranes for Batteries and Supercapacitor Applications. Membranes. 2022; 12(6):583. https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes12060583.
- M.M. Slepchenkov, O.E. Glukhova "Electronic properties and behavior of carbon network based on graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes in strong electrical fields: quantum molecular dynamics study" // Nanotechnology, 2022, 33, 285001. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/ac652a
- V.V. Shunaev, O.E. Glukhova "Interaction of Co3O4 Nanocube with Graphene and Reduced Graphene Oxide: Adhesion and Quantum Capacitance" // Lubricants 2022, 10(5), 79; https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants10050079.
- M.M. Slepchenkov, O.E. Glukhova "Electronic properties and behavior of carbon network based on graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes in strong electrical fields: quantum molecular dynamics study" // Nanotechnology. 2022. Vol. 33. Num. 28. P. 285001.
- M.K. Rabchinskii, V.V. Sysoev, O.E. Glukhova, M. Brzhezinskaya, D.Yu. Stolyarova, A.S. Varezhnikov, M.A. Solomatin, P.V. Barkov, D.A. Kirilenko, S.I. Pavlov, M.V. Baidakova, V.V. Shnitov, N.S. Struchkov, D.Yu. Nefedov, A.O. Antonenko, P. Cai, Z. Liu, P.N. Brunkov "Guiding Graphene Derivatization for the On-Chip Multisensor Arrays: From the Synthesis to the Theoretical Background" // Adv. Mater. Technol. 2022, 2101250. DOI: 10.1002/admt.202101250.
- H. Wei, H. Z. J. Ting, Y. Gong, C. Lü, O. E. Glukhova, H. Zhan Torsional Properties of Bundles with Randomly Packed Carbon Nanotubes // Nanomaterials. 2022. Vol. 12. Iss. 5. P. 760. DOI: 10.3390/nano12050760
E.A. Korznikova, V.V. Shunaev, I.A. Shepeleva, O.E. Glukhova, S.V. Dmitriev Ab initio study of the propagation of a supersonic 2-crowdion in fcc Al // Computational Materials Science. 2022. Vol. 204. P. 111125. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.111125
2021 год
- Hanna Pazniak, Alexey S. Varezhnikov, Dmitry A. Kolosov, Ilya A. Plugin, Alessia Di Vito, Olga E. Glukhova, Polina M. Sheverdyaeva, Marina Spasova, Igor Kaikov, Evgeny A. Kolesnikov, Paolo Moras, Alexey M. Bainyashev, Maksim A. Solomatin, Ilia Kiselev, Ulf Wiedwald, Victor V. Sysoev 2D Molybdenum Carbide MXenes for Enhanced Selective Detection of Humidity in Air // Adv. Mater. 2021, 2104878. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202104878.
- A.Yu. Gerasimenko, U.E. Kurilova, M.S. Savelyev, D.T. Murashko, O.E. Glukhova Laser fabrication of composite layers from biopolymers with branched 3D networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes for cardiovascular implants // Composite Structures. 2021. V. 260. P.113517. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113517.
- Alexander Y. Gerasimenko, Artem V. Kuksin, Yury P. Shaman, Evgeny P. Kitsyuk, Yulia O. Fedorova, Artem V. Sysa, Alexander A. Pavlov, Olga E. Glukhova Electrically Conductive Networks from Hybrids of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Created by Laser Radiation // Nanomaterials 2021. Vol. 11, no. 8. P. 1875. DOI: 10.3390/nano11081875
- Michael M. Slepchenkov, Pavel V. Barkov, Olga E. Glukhova Hybrid Films Based on Bilayer Graphene and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Simulation of Atomic Structure and Study of Electrically Conductive Properties // Nanomaterials. 2021. Vol. 11, no. 8. P. 1934. doi.org/10.3390/nano11081934.
- Pavel V. Barkov, Olga E. Glukhova Holey Graphene: Topological Control of Electronic Properties and Electric Conductivity // Nanomaterials. 2021. Vol. 11. Iss. 5. P. 1074. DOI: 10.3390/nano11051074.
- M.A. Solomatin, O.E. Glukhova, F.S. Fedorov, M. Sommer, V.V. Shunaev, A.S. Varezhnikov, A.G. Nasibulin, N.M. Ushakov, V.V. Sysoev The UV effect on the chemiresistive response of ZnO nanostructures to isopropanol and benzene at PPM concentrations in mixture with dry and wet air // Chemosensors. 2021. Vol. 9. Iss. 7. P. 181. DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors9070181
- Pavel V. Barkov, Olga E. Glukhova Carboxylated Graphene Nanoribbons for Highly-Selective Ammonia Gas Sensors: Ab Initio Study // Chemosensors 2021. Vol. 9. Iss. 4. P. 84. DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors9040084.
- Vladislav V. Shunaev, Olga E. Glukhova Graphene/Fe3O4 Nanocomposite as a Promising Material for Chemical Current Sources: A Theoretical Study // Membranes 2021. Vol. 11. Iss. 8. P. 642. DOI: 10.3390/membranes11080642.
- Michael M. Slepchenkov, Pavel V. Barkov, and Olga E. Glukhova In Silico Study of the Electrically Conductive and Electrochemical Properties of Hybrid Films Formed by Bilayer Graphene and Single-Wall Nanotubes under Axial Stretching // Membranes. 2021. Vol. 11. Iss. 9. P. 658. DOI: 10.3390/membranes11090658.
- Michael V. Davidovich, Igor S. Nefedov, Olga E. Glukhova, Michael M. Slepchenkov Toward the theory of resonant-tunneling triode and tetrode with CNT–graphene grids // Journal of Applied Physics. 2021. V. 130. P. 204301. DOI: 10.1063/5.0067763.
- Igor S. Nefedov, Michael V. Davidovich, Olga E. Glukhova, Michael M. Slepchenkov, J. Miguel Rubi Casimir forces between two carbon nanotubes // Phys. Rev. B. 2021. Vol. 104. Iss. 8. P. 085409. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085409.
- V.V. Shunaev, O.E. Glukhova Nanoindentation of Graphene/Phospholipid Nanocomposite: A Molecular Dynamics Study // Molecules. 2021. Vol. 26. P. 346. DOI: 10.3390/molecules26020346.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Richard Pinčák New effect of strong oscillation and anisotropy of electrical conductance in graphene films with vertically aligned carbon nanotubes and monolayer pillared graphene films // Chemical Physics. 2021. Vol. 550. P. 111312, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2021.111312
- Dmitry A. Kolosov, Olga E. Glukhova Boron-Decorated Pillared Graphene as the Basic Element for Supercapacitors: An Ab Initio Study // Applied Sciences. 2021. Vol. 11. Iss. 8. P. 3496. DOI: 10.3390/app11083496.
- M.M. Slepchenkov, D.A. Kolosov, O.E. Glukhova New van der Waals Heterostructures Based on Borophene and Rhenium Sulfide/Selenide for Photovoltaics: An Ab Initio Study // Applied Sciences. 2021. Vol. 11. Iss. 24. P. 11636. DOI: 10.3390/app112411636
- Dmitry A. Kolosov, Olga E. Glukhova Ab Initio Study of Porous Graphene–CNT Silicon Composite for Li-Ion and Na-Ion Batteries // C—Journal of Carbon Research. 2021. Vol. 7. Iss. 3. P. 57. DOI: 10.3390/c7030057
- Michael M. Slepchenkov, Alexander A. Petrunin, Olga E. Glukhova In Silico Study of the Influence of Various Substrates on the Electronic Properties and Electrical Conductivity of Mono- and Bilayer Films of Armchair Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes // ChemEngineering. 2021. Vol. 5. Iss. 3. P. 48. DOI: 10.3390/chemengineering5030048.
- Dmitry A. Kolosov, Olga E. Glukhova A New Composite Material on the Base of Carbon Nanotubes and Boron Clusters B12 as the Base for High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrodes // C—Journal of Carbon Research. 2021. Vol. 7. P. 26. DOI: 10.3390/c7010026.
- Глухова О.Е., Четвериков А.П., Шунаев В.В. Динамика локализованной кольцевой нелинейной волны в углеродной нанотрубке // Письма в журнал технической физики 2021, 19. 15, DOI: 10.21883/PJTF.2021.19.51506.18895.
- Глухова О. Е., Слепченков М. М., Колесниченко П. А. Туннельный ток между структурными элементами тонких графен/нанотрубных пленок // Физика твердого тела. 2021. Т. 63, № 12, С. 2198-2204. DOI: 10.21883/FTT.2021.12.51684.180.
- Глухова О. Е., Петрунин А. А. Влияние подложки из оксида кремния на электронные свойства и электропроводность моно- и бислойных пленок из одностенных углеродных нанотрубок типа кресло: квантово-механическое исследование // Физика твердого тела. 2021. Т. 63, № 10, С. 1668-1674. DOI: 10.21883/FTT.2021.10.51421.119.
- Шунаев В. В., Герасименко А. Ю., Глухова О. Е. Электронные свойства графеновых нанолент, допированных пирролоподобным азотом // Известия высших учебных заведений. Электроника. 2021. Т. 26, № 6, С. 447-458. DOI: 10.24151/1561-5405-2021-26-6-447-458.
- O.E. Glukhova, P.V. Barkov A new method for determining energetically favorable landing sites of carboxyl groups during functionalization of graphene nanomesh // Letters on Materials. 2021. Issue 12(4). P. 392-396.
- Galina N. Ten, Vladislav V. Shunaev, Natalia E. Shcherbakova Structure, vibrational and electronic spectra of silicon doped graphene // Proc. SPIE 11846, Saratov Fall Meeting 2020: Laser Physics, Photonic Technologies, and Molecular Modeling, 2021, 1184616, DOI: 10.1117/12.2590005
- O.E. Глухова, М.М. Слепченков, П.В. Барков Особенности атомного строения и электронных свойств гибридных пленок, образованных одностенными углеродными нанотрубками и бислойным графеном // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Физика. 2021. Т. 21, вып. 4. С. 302-314. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2021-21-4-302-314.
2020 год
- Vladislav V. Shunaev, Olga E. Glukhova Pillared Graphene Structures Supported by Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as the Potential Recognition Element for DNA Biosensors // Materials 2020, 13, 5219. doi:10.3390/ma13225219.
- Dmitry A. Kolosov, Vadim V. Mitrofanov, Michael M. Slepchenkov, Olga E. Glukhova Thin Graphene–Nanotube Films for Electronic and Photovoltaic Devices: DFTB Modeling // Membranes 2020, 10, 341. doi:10.3390/membranes10110341.
- Dmitry A. Kolosov, Olga E. Glukhova Theoretical Study of a New Porous 2D Silicon-Filled Composite Based on Graphene and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Lithium-Ion Batteries // Appl. Sci. 2020. 10, 5786. DOI: 10.3390/app10175786.
- Michael M. Slepchenkov, Olga E. Glukhova Improving the Sensory Properties of Layered Phospholipid-Graphene Films Due to the Curvature of Graphene Layers // Polymers. 2020. 12, 1710. DOI: 10.3390/polym12081710.
- Gang Zhang, Olga E. Glukhova New automatic method for generating atomistic models of multi-branched and arbitrary-shaped seamless junctions of carbon nanostructures Computational Materials Science. 2020. Vol. 184, 109943. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109943.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Michael M. Slepchenkov, Pavel V. Barkov The Effect of Hydrogen on the Electrical Properties of the Graphene Nanomeshes // Journal of Carbon Research. 2020. 6(2), 35. DOI: 10.3390/c6020035.
- Т.М. Крачковская, Л.А. Мельников, О.Е. Глухова, В.В. Шунаев, П.Д. Шалаев Металлопористые катоды, модифицированные наноуглеродом, с высокой долговечностью для применения в приборах СВЧ // Письма в журнал технической физики. 2020. Том 46. Выпуск 13. С. 51-54. DOI: 10.21883/PJTF.2020.13.49593.18315.
- Michael M. Slepchenkov, Dmitry S. Shmygin, Gang Zhang, Olga E. Glukhova Controlling anisotropic electrical conductivity in porous graphene-nanotube thin films // Carbon. 2020. Vol. 165. P. 139-149. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.04.069.
- Olga E. Glukhova Liposome Drug Delivery System across Endothelial Plasma Membrane: Role of Distance between Endothelial Cells and Blood Flow Rate // Molekules. 2020. 25, 1875. doi:10.3390/molecules25081875.
- Michael M. Slepchenkov, Vadim V. Mitrofanov, Igor S. Nefedov and Olga E. Glukhova Electrical and Photovoltaic Properties of Layered Composite Films of Covalently Bonded Graphene and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes // Coatings. 2020. Vol. 10. Iss. 4. Num. 324 (11 p.). DOI: 10.3390/coatings10040324.
- Fedor Fedorov, Maksim A. Solomatin, Margitta Uhlemann, Steffen Oswald, Dmitry A. Kolosov, Anatolii Morozov, Alexey S. Varezhnikov, Maksim A. Ivanov, Artem Grebenko, Martin Sommer, Olga E. Glukhova, Albert G. Nasibulin and Victor Sysoev Quasi-2D Co3O4 Nanoflakes as Efficient Gas Sensor versus Alcohol VOCs // Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2020. Vol. 8. Iss. 15. P. 7214–7228. DOI:10.1039/D0TA00511H
- Olga E. Glukhova, Michael M. Slepchenkov, Dmitriy A. Kolosov 2D monocrystalline nanostructures of cobalt oxide Co3O4 for sensing individual molecules //Proceedings of SPIE. 2020.Vol. 11256. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications XII. P. 112560P (5 p.).
- Olga E. Glukhova, Michael M. Slepchenkov Patterns of interaction of the cell membrane with a matrix of natural polymers and carbon nanotubes // Proceedings of SPIE. 2020. Vol. 11256. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications XII. P. 112560Q (5p.).
- Vladislav V. Shunaev, Arseni V. Ushakov, Olga E. Glukhova Increase of γ‐Fe2O3/CNT composite quantum capacitance by structural design for performance optimization of electrode materials // International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 120. Iss. 9. P. e26165 (6 p.).
- Michael M. Slepchenkov, Igor S. Nefedov, and Olga E. Glukhova Controlling the Electronic Properties of a Nanoporous Carbon Surface by Modifying the Pores with Alkali Metal Atoms // Materials. 2020. Vol. 13. Iss. 3. P. 610 (11 p.).
2019 год
- Evgenia P. Gilshteyn, Stepan A. Romanov, Daria S. Kopylova, Georgy V. Savostyanov, Anton S. Anisimov, Olga E. Glukhova, Albert G. Nasibulin Mechanically Tunable Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films as a Universal Material for Transparent and Stretchable Electronics // ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2019. Vol. 11. I. 30. P. 27327-27334.
- Michael M. Slepchenkov, Vladislav V. Shunaev and Olga E. Glukhova Response to external GHz and THz radiation of K+@C60 endohedral complex in cavity of carbon nanotube containing polymerized fullerenes // Journal of Applied Physics. 2019. Vol. 125. P. 244306.
- George V. Savostyanov, Michael M. Slepchenkov, Alexander Yu. Gerasimenko, Dmitry V. Telyshev and Olga E. Glukhova Transport gap engineering in zigzag graphene nanoribbons through topological design of deposited oxygen atoms: a new way to control the quantum transport in graphene-like materials // Mater. Res. Express. 2019. Vol. 6. Num. 0950b6.
- Michael M. Slepchenkov and Olga E. Glukhova Mechanical and Electroconductive Properties of Mono- and Bilayer Graphene–Carbon Nanotube Films // Coatings. 2019. Vol. 9(2). Num. 74. P. 1-15.
- V.V. Shunaev, O.E. Glukhova Super square carbon nanotube networks: mechanical properties and electric conductivity // Lett. Mater. 2019. Vol. 9(1). P. 136-141.
- O.E. Glukhova and M.M. Slepchenkov Graphene–Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Films for High-performance Photovoltaic Devices // RSC Smart Materials. Volume 2019-January. Issue 34. Layered Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion. Editors: Dongsheng Geng, Yuan Cheng, Gang Zhang. 2019. ISBN: 978-1-78801-426-7.
- O.E. Glukhova, V.V. Shunaev, A.S. Dol, D.I. Ivanov, A. Yu. Gerasimenko Interaction of new hybrid patch with blood vessels and heart layers // Proceedings of SPIE. 2019. Vol. 10893. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications XI. P. 108930V-1-108930V-10.
- O.E. Glukhova, D.S. Shmygin, G.V. Savostyanov, K.R. Asanov Regularities of the formation of a framework from a mixture of single-walled carbon nanotubes in a protein matrix based on albumin and collagen for tissue engineering // Proceedings of SPIE. 2019. Vol. 10893. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications XI; 108930W. P. 108930W-1-108930W-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, D.S. Shmygin Molecular modeling of multilayer cellular and tissue engineering structures based on a wireframe of carbon nanotubes and protein matrix for restoring the tissues of the heart and blood vessels // Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 10893. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications XI. P. 108930X-1-108930X-5.
- O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov Theoretical study of the interaction of the electromagnetic field of laser radiation with a mixture of single-walled carbon nanotubes in a protein matrix // Proceedings of SPIE. 2019. Vol. 10893. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications XI; 108930Y-1-108930Y-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Mitrofanov Electronic properties of graphen-carbon nanotube films // Proceedings of SPIE. 2019. Vol. 11066. Saratov Fall Meeting 2018: Laser Physics, Photonic Technologies, and Molecular Modeling. P. 110661L-1-110661L-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov, P.V. Barkov Perspectives of application of 2D-matrix of graphene nanoblisters for hydrogen storage. Proceedings of SPIE. 2019. Vol. 11066. Saratov Fall Meeting 2018: Laser Physics, Photonic Technologies, and Molecular Modeling. P. 110661K-1-110661K-8.
2018 год
- Vladislav V. Shunaev, Michael M. Slepchenkov, Olga E. Glukhova Single-Shell Carbon Nanotubes Covered with Iron Nanoparticles for Ion-Lithium Batteries: Thermodynamic Stability and Charge Transfer // Topics in Catalysis. 2018. Vol. 61. I. 15-17. P. 1716–1720.
- George V. Savostyanov, Michael M. Slepchenkov, Dmitriy S. Shmygin and Olga E. Glukhova Specific Features of Structure, Electrical Conductivity and Interlayer Adhesion of the Natural Polymer Matrix from the Layers of Branched Carbon Nanotube Networks Filled with Albumin, Collagen and Chitosan // Coatings. 2018. Vol. 8. I. 11. Num. 378. P. 1-16.
- A.Yu. Gerasimenko, O.E. Glukhova and M.S. Savelyev Interaction of laser radiation with carbon nanotubes for the creation of biocompatible media // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2018. Vol. 1134. Num. 012016. P. 1-7.
- O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov, P.V. Barkov Theoretical prediction of the energy stability of graphene nanoblisters // Proceedings of SPIE. 2018. Vol. 10716. Saratov Fall Meeting 2017: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine XIX. P. 107161Q-1-107161Q-6.
- L.P. Ichkitidze, O.E. Glukhova, G.V. Savostyanov, A.Yu. Gerasimenko, V.M. Podgaetsky, S.V. Selishchev Stimulation of the specific conductivity of the biocompatible nanomaterial layers by laser irradiation // Proceedings of SPIE. 2018. Vol. 10685. Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care VI. P. 106853Q-1- 106853Q-12.
- M.A. Volkova, Y.A. Korneev, N.N. Zhurbina, A.Y. Gerasimenko, O.E. Glukhova The possibility of creation tissue-engineered structures with a structured internal nanocarbon scaffold in an organic matrix for repairing tissues of the cardiovascular system // Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Num. 17618407. P. 1952-1956.
- A.Yu.Gerasimenko, O.E.Glukhova, M.M.Slipchenkov, V.M.Podgaetsky Laser structuring protein biostructures with carbon nano frame for bone & cartilage cells proloferation // 2018 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO). P. 592.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Igor S. Nefedov, Alexander S. Shalin and Мichael М. Slepchenkov New 2D graphene hybrid composites as an effective base element of optical nanodevices // Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, Vol. 9. P. 1321–1327.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Dmitriy S. Shmygin The electrical conductivity of CNT/graphene composites: a new method for accelerating transmission function calculations // Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018. Vol. 9. P. 1254-1262.
- Michael M. Slepchenkov, Pavel V. Barkov and Olga E. Glukhova High-Density Hydrogen Storage in a 2D-Matrix from Graphene Nanoblisters: A Prospective Nanomaterial for Environmentally Friendly Technologies // Crystals. 2018. Vol. 8(4). № 161. P. 1-8. doi: 10.3390/cryst8040161
- O.E. Glukhova, D.S. Shmygin Perspectives of graphene-nucleotide complexes for the development of new bioelectronics devices // Proceedings of SPIE. 2018. Vol. 10508. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications X. P. 105080P.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.A. Zyktin, M.M. Slepchenkov In silico study of liposome transport across biomembranes // Proceedings of SPIE. 2018. Vol. 10508. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications X. P. 105080Q.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.A. Zyktin, M.M. Slepchenkov Investigation of the mechanism for penetration of low density lipoprotein into the arterial wall // Proceedings of SPIE. 2018. Vol. 10508, Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications X. P. 105080R.
- Д.С. Шмыгин, О.Е. Глухова Закономерности электрической проводимости графен-нанотрубных пленок: новая универсальная методика вычисления функции пропускания // Нано- и микросистемная техника. 2018. Том 20. Номер 2. С. 78-86.
- Olga E. Glukhova and Michael M. Slepchenkov Simulation of the Behavior of Carbon Nanotori during Unfolding: A Study of Stability and Electronic Structure // International Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine. 2018. PTZAID: IJNNN-4-124. P. 4-8.
2017 год
- Olga E. Glukhova Molecular Dynamics as the Tool for Investigation of Carbon Nanostructures Properties // Thermal Transport in Carbon-Based Nanomaterials by Editor Gang Zhang, 1st Edition, Imprint: Elsevier, 2017, 382 p., Hardcover ISBN: 9780323462402. P. 267-290.
- V.V. Mitrofanov, M.M. Slepchenkov, G.Zhang, O.E. Glukhova Hybrid carbon nanotube-graphene monolayer films: Regularities of structure, electronic and optical properties // Carbon 2017. Vol. 115. P. 803–810.
- A. Yu. Gerasimenko, O. E. Glukhova, G. V. Savostyanov, V. M. Podgaetsky, Laser structuring of carbon nanotubes in the albumin matrix for the creation of composite biostructures // J. Biomed. Opt. 2017. Vol. 22. P. 065003.
- R. Pincak, V.V. Shunaev, J. Smotlacha, M.M. Slepchenkov, O.E. Glukhova Electronic Properties of Bilayer // Fullerene Onions, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 2017. DOI: 10.1080/1536383X.2017.1356825.
- G.N. Ten, O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov, N.E. Shcherbakova, V.I. Baranov A theoretical and optical spectroscopic study of the mechanism of a tautomeric transformation in the 7-azaindole dimer and the 7-azaindole complex with a water molecule // Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2017. Vol. 58. I. 2. P. 226–235.
- A.Yu. Gerasimenko, O.E. Glukhova , G.V. Savostyanov , M.S. Savelyev, L.P. Ichkitidze, Y.P. Masloboev, S.V. Selishchev, V.M. Podgaetsky Laser Structuring of Carbon Nanoframe in a Protein Matrix for the Creation of 3-D Composite Materials and Coatings for Applications in Tissue Engineering // Proc. of SPIE-OSA. 2017. Vol. 10413. P. 104130K.
- L.P. Ichkitidze, O.E. Glukhova, G.V. Savostyanov, A.Y. Gerasimenko, V.M. Podgaetsky, S.V. Selishchev, N. N. Zhurbina Enhancement of the Conductivity of Nanomaterial Layers by Laser Irradiation // Proceedings of SPIE. 2017. Vol. 10417. P. 1041708.
- L.P. Ichkitidze, O.E. Glukhova, G.V. Savostyanov, A.Yu. Gerasimenko, V.M. Podgaetsky, S.V. Selishchev, N.N. Zhurbina Enhancement of the conductivity of nanomaterial layers by laser irradiation // Proceedings of SPIE. 2017.10417, Medical Laser Applications and Laser-Tissue Interactions VIII, 1041708
- O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov, D.S. Shmygin Nanoindentation of a new graphene/phospholipid composite: a numerical simulation. SPIE Proceedings Vol. 10079: Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications IX. P. 1007910-1-1007910-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov Phospholipid dynamics in graphene of different topologies: predictive modeling SPIE Proceedings Vol. 10079: Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications IX. P.1007912-1-1007912-7.
- O.E. Glukhova, G.V. Savostyanov, M.M. Slepchenkov, A.A. Zyktin A new hybrid model to simulate interaction between DNA and carbon nanostructure SPIE Proceedings Vol. 10079: Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications IX. P. 1007911-1-1007911-6.
2016 год
- O.E. Glukhova Mechanical Properties of Graphene Sheets // Graphene Science Handbook. Mechanical and Chemical Properties Edited by Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Nasar Ali, William I. Milne, Cengiz S. Ozkan, Stanislaw Mitura, and Juana L. Gervasoni.CRC Press 2016 Pages 61–78. Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-9123-3 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-9124-0 DOI: 10.1201/b19674-6.
- Olga E. Glukhova and Michael M. Slepchenkov Electronic Properties of the Functionalized Porous Glass-like Carbon // J. Phys. Chem. C. 2016. Vol. 120 (31). P. 17753–17758.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Tatiana R. Prytkova, and George V. Savostyanov Simulation of High Density Lipoprotein Behavior on a Few Layer Graphene Undergoing Non-Uniform Mechanical Load // J. Phys. Chem. B. 2016. V. 120 (15). P. 3593–3600.
- Ngoc Thanh Thuy Tran, Shih-Yang Lin, Olga E. Glukhova and Ming-Fa Lin π-Bonding-dominated energy gaps in graphene oxide // RSC Advances. 2016. Vol. 6. P. 24458-24463.
- Vladislav Shunaev and Olga E Glukhova. Topology Influence on the Process of Graphene Functionalization by Epoxy and Hydroxyl Groups // J. Phys. Chem. C. 2016. Vol. 120(7). P. 4145–4149.
- V.F. Korolovych, O.A. Grishina, O.A. Inozemtseva, A.V. Selifonov, D.N. Bratashov, S.G. Suchkov, L.A. Bulavin, O.E. Glukhova, G.B. Sukhorukov, D.A. Gorin Impact of high-frequency ultrasound on nanocomposite microcapsules: in silico and in situ visualization // Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2016. Vol. 18. P. 2389-2397
- O.A. Grishina, I.V. Kirillova, O.E. Glukhova. Biomechanical Rationale of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting of Multivessel Disease // Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2016. Vol. 19. I. 3. P. 297-305.
- О.Е. Глухова, Г.В. Савостьянов, М.М. Слепченков, В.В. Шунаев Новые графеновые нанотехнологии манипулирования молекулярными объектами // Письма в ЖТФ. 2016. Т. 42. Вып. 11. C. 56-63.
- Н.А. Бушуев, O.E. Глухова, Ю.А. Григорьев, Д.В. Иванов, А.С. Колесникова, А.А. Николаев, П.Д. Шалаев, В.И. Шестеркин Исследование эмиссионных характеристик многолучевой электронной пушки с автоэмиссионным катодом из стеклоуглерода // Журнал технической физики. 2016. Том 86. Вып. 2. С 134-139.
- О.Е. Глухова, А.С. Колесникова, М.М. Слепченков Влияние квантовых эффектов на параметры холодного катода с углеродными нанотрубками //Журнал технической физики. 2016. Том 86. Вып. 1. С. 151-154.
- О.Е.Глухова, В.А. Кондрашов, В.К. Неволин, И.И. Бобринецкий, Г.В. Савостьянов, М.М. Слепченков Прогнозирование стабильности и электронных свойств углеродных наноторов, синтезируемых при высоковольтном импульсном разряде в парах этанола // Физика и техника полупроводников. 2016. Т. 50. Вып. 4. С. 509-514.
- Г.Н. Тен, О.Е. Глухова, М.М. Слепченков, Н.Е. Щербакова, В.И. Баранов Теоретическое исследование влияния воды на структуру и спектры флуоресценции L-триптофана // Оптика и спектроскопия. 2016. Т. 121. № 4. С. 655-662.
- Г.Н. Тен, О.Е. Глухова, М.М. Слепченков, В.И. Баранов Теоретический анализ спектров флуоресценции 7-азаиндола и его таутомера // Оптика и спектроскопия. 2016. Т. 120. № 3. С. 377-384.
- Г.Н. Тен, О.Е. Глухова, М.М. Слепченков, И.И. Бобринецкий, Р.А. Ибрагимов, Г.Н. Фёдоров, В.И. Баранов Влияние топологических дефектов на структуру G и D спектральных полос однослойной углеродной нанотрубки // Оптика и спектроскопия. 2016. Т. 120. № 5. С. 775-783
- О.Е. Глухова, В.Г. Андрианов, Д.А. Колосов, М.М. Слепченков Новые схемотехнические решения для генератора нано- и микросекундных импульсов // Успехи современной радиоэлектроники. 2016. №12. С. 52-57.
- К.Р. Асанов, О.Е. Глухова Графеновые наноленты в качестве элементной базы оптических наноустройств // Успехи современной радиоэлектроники. 2016. №12. С. 47-51.
- О.Е. Глухова, А.А. Зыктин, М.М. Слепченков Электронные и эмиссионные свойства функционализированного пористого стеклоуглерода // Радиотехника. 2016. №10. С. 213-217.
- О.Е. Глухова, В.В. Митрофанов, И.Н. Салий, М.М. Слепченков, В.В. Шунаев Прогнозирование механизмов управления электронной структурой гофрированных графеновых нанолент Радиотехника. 2016. №10. С. 230-234.
- О.Е. Глухова, И.А. Куприянов, И.Н. Салий, М.М. Слепченков Влияние функционализации водородом на атомное и электронное строение углеродных наноторов // Радиотехника. 2016. №7. С. 82-86.
- О.Е. Глухова, В.В. Митрофанов Нанодетектор на базе нового графенового 1D-композита // Электромагнитные волны и электронные системы. 2016. № 6. С. 55-59.
- О.Е. Глухова, М.М. Слепченков, К.Р. Асанов Оптические наноантенны на графеновых нанолентах // Наукоемкие технологии. 2016. №10. С. 36-39.
- В.Г. Андрианов, О.Е. Глухова, Д.А. Колосов, М.М. Слепченков Методика расчета рабочих параметров высоковольтного импульсного модулятора микросекундного диапазона с учетом нелинейности зарядного дросселя // Нелинейный мир. 2016. №5. С. 37-41.
- O.E. Glukhova, T.R. Prytkova, V.V. Shunaev Calculation of electron transfer in ruthenium-modified derivatives of cytochrome b562 // Proceedings of SPIE. 2016. Vol. 9723, Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VIII. P. 97230V-1- 97230V-5.
- O.E. Glukhova, T.R. Prytkova, D.S. Shmygin Theoretical investigation of interaction between the set of ligands and α 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor // Proceedings of SPIE. 2016. Vol. 9723. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VIII. P. 97230U-1- 97230U-5.
- O.E. Glukhova, M.M. Slepchenkov Theoretical prediction of mutual influence between phospholipid and nanotube during their interaction // Proceedings of SPIE. 2016. Vol. 9723. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VIII. P. 97230X-1-97230X-5.
2015 год
- О.Е. Глухова, А.С. Колесникова, Г.В. Савостьянов, М.М. Слепченков ПО “KVAZAR” – платформа для прогностического моделирвоания в области нано- и биомедицинских технологий. Издательство Саратовский источник. 248 с.
- V.V. Shunaev, G.V. Savostyanov, M.M. Slepchenkov and O.E. Glukhova Phenomenon of current occurrence during the motion of a C60 fullerene on substrate-supported graphene // RSC Advances. 2015. Vol. 5. P. 86337-86346
- Michail M. Slepchenkov, Anna S. Kolesnikova, George V. Savostyanov, Igor S. Nefedov, Ilya V. Anoshkin, Albert G. Nasibulin, Olga E. Glukhova. Giga - and terahertz range nanoemitter based on a peapod structure // Nano Research. 2015. Vol. 8. I. 8. P. 2595-2602.
- Ngoc Thanh Thuy Tran, Shih-Yang Lin, Olga E. Glukhova, and Ming-Fa Lin Configuration-Induced Rich Electronic Properties of Bilayer Graphene // J. Phys. Chem. C. 2015. Vol. 119 (19). P. 10623–10630.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Anna S. Kolesnikova, and Michael M. Slepchenkov New Approach to Manipulate the Phospholipid Molecules on Graphene // J. Phys. Chem. C. 2015. Vol. 119 (21). P. 11941–11946.
- Tatiana R. Prytkova, Vladislav V. Shunaev, Olga E. Glukhova, and Igor V. Kurnikov Donor/Acceptor Coupling Shortcuts in Electron Transfer within Ruthenium-Modified Derivatives of Cytochrome b562 // J. Phys. Chem. B. 2015. Vol. 119 (4). P. 1288–1294. DOI: 10.1021/jp5086894. .
- A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, M.F. Lin, and O.E. Glukhova Influence of Size Effect on the Electronic and Elastic Properties of Graphane Nanoflakes: Quantum Chemical and Empirical Investigations // Advances in Condensed Matter Physics. 2015. Vol. 2015. Article ID 735192. P. 1-5.
- О.Е. Глухова, А.С. Колесникова, М.М. Слепченков, Д.С. Шмыгин. Атомная структура энергетически устойчивых композитов углеродные нанотрубки/графен // Физика твердого тела, 2015, том 57, вып. 5 С.994-998.
- O.E. Glukhova, O.A. Grishina, G.V. Savostyanov Phospholipid liposomes functionalized by protein // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. №93390S. P. 93390S-1-93390S-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, O.A. Grishina Impact of magnetite nanoparticle incorporation on the eigenfrequencies of nanocomposite microcapsules // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. № 93390T. P. 93390T-1-93390T-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov Terahertz emitter based on single-walled nanotube filled with fullerenes C60 // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. № 93390U. P. 93390U-1-93390U-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, D.S. Shmygin A control of phospholipid motion on graphene layer under external electric field // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. № 93390V. P. 93390V-1-93390V-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, G.V. Savostyanov, D.S. Shmygin Atomic structure of energetically stable composites, based on carbon nanotubes and graphene // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. № 93390W. P. 93390W-1-93390W-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, G.V. Savostyanov Prediction of stability for carbon nanotori // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. № 93390X. P. 93390X-1-93390X-10.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, D.A. Melnikov, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev Theoretical study of the behavior of cryptand with different ion metal inside carbon nanotube // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. № 93390Y. P. 93390Y-1-93390Y-4.
- O.E. Glukhova, V.V. Mitrofanov, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev Manipulation of fullerene molecules on graphene // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. № 933910. P. 933910-1-933910-7.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, G.V. Savostyanov Simulation of the formation for molecular compounds of nanotubes with different chirality indexes to create new molecular devices on their basis // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. № 933910. P. 933910-1-933910-5.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, O.A. Grishina, M.M. Slepchenkov Structure and properties of composites based chitosan and carbon nanostructures: atomistic and coarse-grained simulation // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9339. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VII. № 933911. P. 933911-1-933911-6.
- G.N. Ten, O.E. Glukhova, A.M. Semagina, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.I. Baranov The structure definition of complementary pairs Ade-Ura in different phase states using IR spectra // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9448. Saratov Fall Meeting 2014: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine XVI; Laser Physics and Photonics XVI; and Computational Biophysics. № 944815. P. 944815-1-944815-8.
- O.E. Glukhova, O.A. Grishina, M.M. Slepchenkov Atomistic modeling of the structural components of the blood-brain barrier // Proceedings of SPIE. 2015. Vol. 9448. Saratov Fall Meeting 2014: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine XVI; Laser Physics and Photonics XVI; and Computational Biophysics. № 94481G. P. 94481G-1-94481G-6.
- О.Е. Глухова, А.С. Колесникова, И.Н. Салий, М.М. Слепченков Моделирование процесса селективного гидрирования криволинейного графена для формирования радиоэлектронных схем // Радиотехника. 2015. №7. С. 13-17.
- О.Е. Глухова, А.С. Колесникова, М.М. Слепченков, Г.В. Савостьянов, Д.С. Шмыгин Перспективный композитный материал на основе нанотрубок и графена для эмиссионной электроники // Радиотехника. 2015. №7. 64-69.
- О.Е. Глухова, А.С. Колесникова, Д.А. Мельников, И.Н. Салий, М.М. Слепченков Перспективы использования краун-эфиров для создания на их основе миниатюрных излучающих систем // Радиотехника. 2015. №10. С. 133-137.
- О.Е. Глухова, Г.В. Савостьянов, М.М. Слепченков, И.И. Бобринецкий, В.К. Неволин, В.А. Кондрашов Синтез тороидальных наноструктур в парах углеродсодержащего газа и прогнозирование их стабильности // Нано- и микросистемная техника. 2015. №3. С. 42-51
2014 год
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev Moving of Fullerene Between Potential Wells in the External Icosahedral Shell // J. Comput. Chem. 2014. Vol. 35(17). P. 1270-1277.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, I.S. Nefedov, M.M. Slepchenkov Nanoemitter of giga- and terahertz ranges based on a carbon peapod: Numerical simulation // JETP Letters. 2014. Vol. 99. I. 6. P. 349-352.
- O. E. Glukhova , M. M. Slepchenkov, V. V. Shunaev Effect of the deflection strain on the atomic and electronic structure of a graphene nanoparticle // Physics of the Solid State. 2014. Vol. 56. I. 9. P. 1922-1927.
- V. I. Shesterkin, O. E. Glukhova, D. V. Ivanov, A. S. Kolesnikova Computational and experimental estimation of the autoelectron energy spectrum for multiple-tip cathode matrix made of glassy carbon // Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2014. Vol. 59. I. 8. P. 827-832.
- O.E. Glukhova, G.V. Savostyanov, M.M. Slepchenkov A new approach to dynamical determination of the active zone in the framework of the hybrid model (quantum mechanics/ molecular mechanics) // Procedia Materials Science. 2014. Vol. 6. P. 256–264.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev Prediction of the behavior for fullerene C20 inside the icosahedral outer shell of C240 // Proceedings of SPIE. 2014. Vol. 9126. Nanophotonics V. №. 91263F. P. 91263F-1-91263F-5.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev, G.V. Torgashov Partitioned carbon nanotubes as perspective nanomaterial for energy conversion // Proceedings of SPIE. 2014. Vol. 8956. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VI. №. 895615. P. 895615-1- 895615-5.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev, G.V. Savostyanov Unit coefficient of thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes with positions of their use as a material for nano-emitters // Proceedings of SPIE. 2014. Vol. 8956. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VI. №. 895616. P. 895616-1-895616-4.
O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M. M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev Theoretical investigation of bilayer fullerene C60 @C540 in term of its biomedical application // Proceedings of SPIE. 2014. Vol. 8956. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VI. №. 895617. P. 895617-1-895617-6.
2013 год
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov Stability of the thin partitioned carbon nanotubes // Journal of Molecular Modeling 2013. Vol. 19. I. 10. P. 4369-4375.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov Polymerization of miniature fullerenes in the cavity of nanotubes // Journal of Molecular Modeling 2013. Vol. 19. I. 3. P. 985-990.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Elena L. Kossovich, Liyana R. Menisheva, Anna S. Kolesnikova Molecular dynamics study of phospholipid biomacromolecules using a coarse-grained model // Proceedings of SPIE. 2013. Vol. 8596. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications V. №. 859610. P. 859610-1-859610-9.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Igor N. Saliy, Anna S. Kolesnikova, Elena L. Kossovich, Michael M. Slepchenkov Carbon nanotube+graphene quantum dots complex for biomedical applications // Proceedings of SPIE. 2013. Vol. 8596. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications V. №. 859612. P. 859612-1-859612-9.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Igor S. Nefedov, Anna S. Kolesnikova, Michael M. Slepchenkov, Oleg A. Terentev, Vladislav V. Shunaev Development of the terahertz emitter model based on nanopeapod in terms of biomedical applications // Proceedings of SPIE. 2013. Vol. 8596. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications V. №. 859611. P. 859611-1-859611-6.
- O.E. Glukhova, I.V. Kirillova, G.N. Maslyakova, E.L. Kossovich, D.A. Zayarsky, A.A. Fadeev Study of lipoproteins and arterial intima interaction based on arterial endothelial cells real geometrical structure // Proceedings of SPIE. 2013. Vol. 8699. Saratov Fall Meeting 2012: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine XIV; and Laser Physics and Photonics XIV. №. 869907. P. 869907-1-869907-7.
2012 год
- O. Glukhova, M. Slepchenkov Influence of the curvature of deformed graphene nanoribbons on their electronic and adsorptive properties: theoretical investigation based on the analysis of the local stress field for an atomic grid // Nanoscale. 2012. Vol. 4. №. 11. P. 3335-3344.
- Olga E. Glukhova Classification of the Achiral Tubular Nanoclusters // Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Properties. Series: Nanotechnology Science and Technology. Nova Science Publishers. 2012. pp. 319-336.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova and I.V. Kirillova Investigation of the Effect of Bending on the Polymerization of Fullerenes Inside Carbon Nanotubes // Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 2012. Vol. 20. №. 4-7. P. 391-394.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova Mechanical and emission properties of thinnest stable bamboolike nanotubes // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2012. Vol. 393. №. 012027. P. 1-5.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, E.L. Kossovich, R.Y. Zhnichkov Super strong nanoindentors for biomedical applications based on bamboo-like nanotubes // Proceedings of SPIE. 2012. Vol. 8233. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications IV. P. 823311-1-823311-8.
- O.E. Glukhova, I.V. Kirillova, A.S. Kolesnikova, E.L. Kossovich, G.N. Ten Strain-hardening effect of graphene on a chitosan chain for the tissue engineering // Proceedings of SPIE. 2012. Vol. 8233. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications IV. P. 82331E-1-82331E-7.
- O.E. Glukhova, I.V. Kirillova, M.M. Slepchenkov The curvature influence of the graphene nanoribbon on its sensory properties // Proceedings of SPIE. 2012. Vol. 8233. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications IV. P. 82331B-1-82331B-6.
2011 год
- O.E. Glukhova Dimerization of miniature C20 and C28 fullerenes in nanoautoclave // Journal of Molecular Modeling. 2011. Vol. 17. I. 3. P. 573-576.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova Empirical Modelling of Longitudinal Tension and Compression of Graphene Nanoparticles and Nanoribbons // Physics of the SolidState. 2011. Vol. 53. No. 9. P. 1957-1962.
- O.E. Glukhova, I.V. Kirillova, I.N. Saliy, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov Design of graphene nanoparticle undergoing axial compression: quantum study // Proceedings of SPIE. 2011. Vol. 7910. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications III. P. 7910-1- 7910-7.
- O.E. Glukhova, I.V. Kirillova, I.N. Saliy, M.M. Slepchenkov Single-fullerene manipulation inside a carbon nanotube // Proceedings of SPIE. 2011. Vol. 7911. Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine VIII. P. 7911-1-7911-11.
2010 год
- O.E. Glukhova, I.N. Saliy, R.Y. Zhnichkov, I.A. Khvatov, A.S. Kolesnikova and M.M. Slepchenkov Elastic properties of graphene-graphane nanoribbons // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2010. Vol. 248. N. 012004.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, G.V. Torgashov and Z.I. Buyanova Elastic and electrostatic properties of bamboo-shaped carbon nanotubes // Physics of the SolidState. 2010. Vol. 52. No. 6. P. 1323-1328.
1997-2008 годы
- O.E. Glukhova, G.V. Torgashov, Z.I. Buyanova Synthesis of bamboo-like carbon nanotubes and thetheoretical simulation of their physical properties // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2008. Vol. 15. No. 3. Р. 413–415.
- O.E. Glukhova Theoretical study of the structure of the C60@C450 nanoparticle and relative motion of the encapsulated C60 molecule // Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2007. Vol. 48. SUPPL. 1. S. 141-146.
- O.E. Glukhova, O.A. Terent'ev Theoretical study of the dependences of the young’s and torsion moduli of thin single-layer carbon zigzag and armchair nanotubes on the geometric parameters // Physics of the SolidState. 2006. Vol. 48. No. 7. P. 1411-1417
- O.E. Glukhova, A.I. Zhbanov and A.G. Rezkov Rotation of the inner shell in a C20@C80 nanoparticle // Physics of the SolidState. 2005. Vol. 47. No. 2. P. 390-396.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.I. Zhbanov, G.V. Torgashov, N.I. Sinitsyn, I.G. Torgashov Effect on the Field Emission of Cаrbon Nanotube Films // Applied Surface Science. 2003. Vol. 215. Issue 1-4. P. 149-159.
- O.E. Glukhova and A.I.ZhbanovEquilibriumState of C60, C70, and C72 Nanoclusters and Local Defects of the Molecular Skeleton // Physics of the Solid State. 2003. Vol. 45. No. 1. P. 189–196.
- N.I. Sinitsyn, Yu.V. Gulyaev, G.V. Torgashov, L.A. Chernozatonskii, Z.Ya. Kosakovskaya, Yu.F. Zakharchenko, N.A. Kiselev, A.L. Musatov, A.I. Zhbanov, Sh.T. Mevlyut, O.E. Glukhova Thin films consisting of carbon nanotubes as a new material for emission electronics // Applied Surface Science. 1997. Vol. 111. P.145-150.
- Yu.V. Gulyaev, N.I. Sinitsyn, G.V. Torgashov, Sh.T. Mevlyut, A.I. Zhbanov, Yu.F. Zakharchenko, Z.Ya. Kosakovskaya, L.A. Chernozatonskii, O.E. Glukhova, O.E. Torgashov Work function estimate for electrons emitted from nanotube carbon cluster films // Journal Vacuum Sсience Technology: B. 1997. Vol. 15. I. 2. Р. 422-424.