# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy
from copy import deepcopy
from kvazar.core.lib import libmd
from mpi4py import MPI
comm = MPI.comm
comm = None
class BoxcellException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
super(BoxcellException, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class BoxCell:
It's a class that realizes periodic boundary conditions.
def __init__(self, coords, r_in, r_out, box):
self.r_in = float(r_in)
self.r_out = float(r_out)
self.delta = r_out - r_in
self.n_cells = numpy.array(map(int, box[:, 2] / r_out), numpy.int32)
self.r_cells = numpy.array(box[:,2] / self.n_cells, numpy.float)
self.box = box
[docs] def update_prev_coords(self, coords):
Rewriting previous coordinates.
self.prev_coords = deepcopy(coords)
[docs] def time_to_update(self, coords, a, b):
If coordinates have changed significantly then cutoff lists should be
if comm:
max_len_ab = libmd.max_pbc_dist(self.prev_coords, cur_coords, a, b)
max_len = comm.allreduce(max_len_ab, MPI.MAX)
return self.delta < 2 * max_len
return self.delta < 2 * libmd.max_pbc_dist(self.prev_coords, coords, self.box, 0, coords.shape[0])
[docs] def build_cells(self, coords):
This method checks sizes of structure and raises exception if structure
is bigger than periodic box. Else it returns list of atom names for each
part of periodic box.
length = numpy.prod(self.n_cells)
n_cells = self.n_cells
r_cells = self.r_cells
cells = [[] for _ in xrange(length)]
xlim = coords[:,0].min(), coords[:,0].max()
ylim = coords[:,1].min(), coords[:,1].max()
zlim = coords[:,2].min(), coords[:,2].max()
checkx = self.box[0, 0] < xlim[0] and self.box[0, 1] > xlim[1]
checky = self.box[1, 0] < ylim[0] and self.box[1, 1] > ylim[1]
checkz = self.box[2, 0] < zlim[0] and self.box[2, 1] > zlim[1]
if not (checkx and checky and checkz):
message = "Too large molecular structure for this periodic box.\n"
message += "BOX_X : [%s, %s]\n" % (self.box[0, 0], self.box[0, 1])
message += "BOX_Y : [%s, %s]\n" % (self.box[1, 0], self.box[1, 1])
message += "BOX_Z : [%s, %s]\n" % (self.box[2, 0], self.box[2, 1])
message += "STRUCTURE_X : [%s, %s]\n" % xlim
message += "STRUCTURE_Y : [%s, %s]\n" % ylim
message += "STRUCTURE_Z : [%s, %s]\n" % zlim
raise BoxcellException(message)
ijk = numpy.int32((coords - self.box[:,0]) / r_cells)
mulind = numpy.array([n_cells[1] * n_cells[2], n_cells[2], 1], numpy.int32)
ijk *= mulind
ijk = ijk.sum(axis = 1)
[cells[j].append(i) for i, j in enumerate(ijk)]
return cells
def neighbours_for_crd(self, coords, crd, cells = None):
if not cells:
cells = self.build_cells(coords)
ijk = numpy.int32(crd - self.box[:,0] / self.r_cells)
index = ijk.sum(axis = 1)
neigh = [[] for _ in xrange(len(index))]
libmd.make_cutoff_nb_lists_twostruct(neigh, cells, crd, coords, self.r_cells, self.n_cells, self.box, self.r_out, 0, len(index))
return neigh
[docs] def calc_neighbours(self, coords, a, b):
It builds periodic box and then update cutoff lists, if needed.
cells = self.build_cells(coords)
neighbours = [[] for _ in range(coords.shape[0])]
libmd.make_cutoff_nb_lists(neighbours, cells, coords, self.r_cells, self.n_cells, self.box, self.r_out, a, b)
return neighbours