AIREBO method was realized according to article: Steven J. Stuart, Alan B. Tutein and Judith A. Harrison. “A reactive potential for hydrocarbons with intermolecular interactions” // Journ. of Chem. Phys., V 112,14 (2000), p. 6472-6486.
AIREBO potential can be represented by a sum over pairwise interactions, including covalent bonding REBO interactions, LJ terms, and torsion interactions:
Van-der-Vaals interaction is described through the using of the Lennard-Jones potential:
is the traditional LJ term:
It was modified by several sets of switching functions. S(t) can be represented in the next form:
Magnitude of LJ interactions depends on bonding environment. Gradual exclusion of Lennard-Jones interactions with changings of is controlled by scalling function :
If atoms and are not connected by two or fewer intermediate atoms, LJ interactions between them are controlled by next switching function:
The torsional part of equation (1) for the dihedral angle determined by atoms i, j, k, l has the next form:
where is the torsional potential:
This class is the successor of class MM
Constructor of class AIREBO:
struct(structure): nanostructure
ff_params(list): list of names of potentials functions
r_in(float): internal cutoff radius
r_out(float): external cutoff radius
cutoff_neighbours(list): list of neighbours get into the field with r_out radius